Happy 4th of July morning for me waking up to this guy.
29'ers lined up on Howe Sound
The Canadians were out in force on the 4th of July
Howe Sound, British Columbia
Luke and Julian
Henry and Jason
Henry and Jason, with shit breaking every 10 seconds
Drain job.
Jason Akram
Squamish was gorgeous but a little wet for July.
Most of the North American teams. A local Canadian team won.
Kari assisting John P. in the massive packing up.
Crazy ass squamish channel
Not the fanciest yacht club facilities.
The scenery was amazing.
Dylan, Luke, and Julian
Hanging out in Squamish
Escape the rain... into the mines
A massive mine complex is "coming back to life."
This gallery officially kicks off a new camera... the Lumix FZ1000. Model is actually 5 years old but new to me. There are some Sony Rx100iii shots in here as well.