Here's a project I have been working on since June that I'm particularly proud of. It's a new interactive site for our Lum School PTA in Alameda.

The goals of the site include, in no particular order:

  • Centralize communications and event info for all PTA Members.
  • Provide opportunities for parents at work to be more involved with happenings at school
  • Make it easier for PTA Coordinators to get their message(s) out.
  • Give members control about what topics/groups they want to "subscribe" too (and not get blasted with stuff they would rather pass on).
  • Give donors the option to choose where they want their donations directed (to arts, music, field trips, etc.)
  • Empower member teachers to manage their own classroom pages (still working on it)
  • A forum to exchange ideas for improvements and programs, etc.
  • and so forth....

You see much more stuff if you are a member. We have decided to protect the names and contact info of all the members, and are also keeping most pictures and galleries inside the member realm. Better safe. But, please feel free to donate to our school, and we will really appreciate you!

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